Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – Green Ranger Sword of Darkness by My Hero Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – Green Ranger Sword of Darkness by My Hero Studios

A special tribute to the late actor, Jason David Frank, aka Tommy Oliver the Green Ranger.

This 1:1 scale sword by MY HERO Studios is a fully painted metal replica that is not meant to be swung around.

The sword is made of aluminum-zinc alloy, and it comes with a stand that is made of resin. LEDs are fitted in the display stand.

  • Size approximately 1:1 Scale
  • Made of full METAL Aluminum-Zinc Alloy, Resin polystone sword stand with lights
  • Base lights up to display this awesome piece.
  • Art Box with brown outer box packing
  • Estimated Release Date: TBD

Interested collectors can pre-order the sword at MY HERO Studios Facebook page for USD680 before PayPal fees and shipping. MY HERO studios will only produce this collectible in very limited quantities, do not sit on the thought for too long!